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Hello! and welcome to CEG's virtual Bible Study and Prayer Group. We are Suzy and Hunington, your CEG ministry leaders. We hope you will join us from where you are virtually (via Zoom). No matter what our dreams are in the industry we need a solid foundation in our relationship with Christ and community to come alongside us on this journey. We hope you will find that in a CEG Bible Study. JOIN NOW.

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Why Join A CEG Bible Study Group

Church family helps us to focus on a solid relationship with Christ, gives us accountability and encouragement in our faith journey as Christians in entertainment.

  • Helps us face and get through the challenges of life as a Christian in entertainement. God never meant for us to go it alone.

  • Helps us to fortify (strengthen, develop) our faith. Together we get the right support, clarify our values.

  • Helps us find our place to make a difference.  God gives us unique gifts and talents for the purpose of honoring Him. Together we explore, study and share how our lives serve God, others, and make a difference.

  • Helps us to work hard towards excellence, get focused, and on track towards the life mission God has in mind for us,  makes a difference in the lives of others, leads others to Christ, and boldly steps into what God has called each one of us to. 

  • We are Christians in entertainment. We share a love of the arts, a calling to the arts as a ministry.                     

JOIN CEG BIBLE STUDY GROUP NOW. It's easy. If you haven't already registered with CEG we encourage you to do so HERE. There you can tell us a little about you and sign up for bible study and other groups.


Or just sign up for CEG BIBLE STUDY here. Be sure to note the group(s) you are interested in. We look forward to seeing you!




Join Us!

Thanks for contacting us! You will receive an email with details soon. 

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