Happy New Year! What joy it is to share a little HAPPY this new year with you as we come alongside each other in community groups, worship events, mentorship, workshops and more! CEG Community Groups are back in session this Saturday. If you are not currently in a CEG Community Group now is a good time to jump in. We are about to begin a new season of bible study on Servant Leadership. There are also community groups for all in entertainment, or a writers group or talent group working to help each other with their crafts. We hope you will join us by signing up at this link now.
Here is our new new year devotion for the fam:

Happy are those who are merciful, forgiving, loving like Jesus, sharing who He is and living in God’s word.
We aren’t perfect in our pursuit of happy or living and loving like Jesus, but God knows our heart, dreams and imperfections. He meets us right where we are. When we praise God, strongholds are torn down in our lives, things that are holding us back begin to move, we see and know that God is at work in us and our dreams! Get your happy on and know that God is working all things together for your good!
Psalm 146:1-2 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, my soul. 2 I will praise the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.’
This is a new year, a happy new year! When we accept Jesus into our heart, our sins are washed away, the old is gone. In a smaller way, but similar, a new year brings a clean slate with the opportunity to start fresh again and begin today in pursuing and living a happy new year!
We are not stuck in our past. Psalm 146: 5 speaks of the God of Jacob…. Jacob, who deceived his father, Isaac, cheated his brother, married more than once, had troubled family relations with in-laws and imperfect sons, wrestled with God, and plotted more than he prayed, but God met him right where he was. Whether this sounds like you or not…
Psalm 146: 5 Blessed are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord the Lord.
We rejoice in knowing that God is with us! He is unstoppable. This is a happy new year!
Blessings and much love from you CEG family. We hope to see you soon!
