$400 For 10 Weeks
2 hour per week session
animation writing 101:
fundamentals in screenwriting
Have a story you want to bring to life but not sure where to start or even what genre you want to write for? Not sure what you want to write? This is the place to start. You will learn basic techniques of screenwriting that are fundamental to all forms of screenwriting including live action and animation, feature length or episodic. You will learn basic structure and building blocks that set the foundation of what you want to write including story generation, log lines, beat sheets and basic elements to screenwriting.
If you’re excited to enter the world of screenwriting whether it be episodic, live action or animation, this is the place to begin.
This course is a pre-requisite for Screenwriting 201, Animation Writing 201 or TV Writing 201.

$400 For 10 Weeks
2 hour per week session
Creating your story treatment
Animation scripts require a great deal of description indicating what we see visually. They also run longer at up to thirty six pages for a 22 minute episode. The animation script becomes a map and inspires layout artists, designers, storyboard artists and more so they can turn your vision into pictures. In Animation Writing 201 you will work on premise, story outline, characters, dialogue, and drafting your original 1/2 hour TV treatment. This course reinforces your knowledge of screenwriting structure, and character development learned in prior 101 classes.
The goal of Animation Writing 201 is to draft a treatment for a half hour animation script. Homework and reading assignments are necessary for your success.
This course may be repeated. Please be prepared to write within the class time.

$400 For 10 Weeks
2 hour per week session
Writing THE ANIMATION script
Animation Writing 202 is the second segment of a three-part writing sequence. Please bring your approved log line, story outline, beat sheet or treatment to the first class and be prepared to pitch it. Your professional writer instructor and mentor will give you solid feedback on how to strengthen your story before you begin to build your story. CEG Animation writing 202 includes identifying your target audience and then diving deep into the spiritual journey of your characters, story, conflict, etc. whether you are writing a faith film or not. You will also work on more in depth story structure points that can take your script to the next level including plot points, scene and story development, characters, theme, genre, dialogue, and how they all work together to build an excellent story. Course includes both lecture and individualized feedback. Homework and reading assignments are necessary for your success. Your goal for this session is to complete a draft of your full length script as well as to strengthen your writing as you work towards becoming a professional level animation writer. You will also work on personalizing and applying 201 class principles to your own story structure points that can take your script to the next level including plot points, scene and story development, characters, theme, genre, dialogue, and how they all work together to build an excellent story. Course includes both lecture and personalized feedback. Homework and reading assignments are necessary for your success. Your goal for this session is to complete a draft of Act I and II as well as to strengthen your writing as you work towards becoming a professional level writer.
The goal of Animation Writing 202 is to draft your original script based off of your treatment. Homework and reading assignments are necessary for your success.
This course may be repeated. Please be prepared to write within the class time.

$400 For 10 Weeks
2 hour per week session
Let's Make A Change
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$400 For 10 Weeks
2 hour per week session
Your animation (or other project) script is complete (or you are working on it). It is now the time to take that step into developing and preparing to pitch or shoot your project. The art of storyboarding begins to bring to life the stories God has placed on your heart. In Animation 301: Storyboarding you will begin the process of clear storytelling through original character design, narrative order, timing, composition, camera placements as well as introductions to backgrounds, and props. This class does focus on storyboarding for animation but is relevant to all who want to learn to storyboard their projects in preparation for pitching or production.
The Goal of Animation 301: Introduction To Storyboarding is to complete a 10 second storyboard in skills practice as well as begin your storyboard for a full length animation or other project (film, TV, commercial, play)… working with a focus on pitching your show concept or for production prep.
This course we have a special treat with Butch Hartman who will be leading as available. In additiois scheduled to lead via Zoom as much as available. In addition an instructor will help to lead you through the program. This course may be repeated.

Butch Hartman pitch session & animation workshop )
Creator of Fairly Odd Parents will have a 2 day weekend workshop in June 2021. Pitch and learn about how to develop your show.

$400 For 10 Weeks
2 hour per week session
Animation 401
The Show Bible & Business of Animation
Your animation script is complete. You’ve created a story board to communicate your vision for the show. Now it is time to get down tot the business of pitching. In Animation 401 you will work on creating you Animation Show Bible and preparing for the pitch.
The goal of Animation 401 is to prepare for the pitch. If you sign up for the Animation Development Workshop coming just after this class then you will be prepared to pitch and communicate the vision God has given you for your story when the opportunity is before you with an actual show runner including Butch Hartman, the creator of Fairly Odd Parents.
This course may be repeated. Requires pre-approved script and storyboard for entry into this class.

$400 For 10 Weeks
2 hour per week session
ART FOR ANIMATION – 102 – Elements of Art / Animation
Art for Animation 102 is the first in a series in developing a solid foundation in art skills for animation. The curriculum prepares you for 2D and 3D animation in film, TV and game design, interactive design and other areas within game and entertainment.
Animation 102 includes the elements of art for animation including drawing, line, shape, form, creating objects.
This is the first in a series of art for animation classes. It is a virtual class taught through Zoom.

$400 For 10 Weeks
2 hour per week session
ART FOR ANIMATION – 103 – Color Theory & Painting
Art for Animation 103 is the second class in a series in developing a solid foundation in art skills for animation. The curriculum prepares you for 2D and 3D animation in film, TV and game design, interactive design and other areas within games, entertainment and art.
Animation 103 includes introduction to color theory and painting for animation and art.
This is the first in a series of art for animation classes. It is a virtual class taught through Zoom.

$400 For 10 Weeks
2 hour per week session
Your foundation in art for animation has prepared you for 3D modeling, character design and more. You’ve completed the Art In Animation 101-104 program. Now you are ready to choose a specialized area to study. Placement in the above mentioned classes requires submitting samples of your work. To do so
Animation 104 includes an introduction to to perspective and composition for art in animation. Includes the golden rules of good composition, layout and backgrounds.
This is the first in a series of art for animation classes. It is a virtual class taught through Zoom.

$400 For 10 Weeks
2 hour per week session
Sketch Writing 101 is the starting point for working to develop your clean comedy writing skills as either a screenwriter, episodic writer or stand up comedian. You will learn skills and exercises for brainstorming, creating and developing comedic characters and dialogue. This course is held virtually through email and Zoom calls.
Notes: Sketch Writing 101 is a pre-requisite to Sketch Writing 201. Every session you are given homework and turn in pages for feedback. The course goal is to develop clean comedy writing skills.