The following is a breakdown from production of a low budget faith film with a team that includes CEG members and is scheduled for production mid January through early February. All positions are local hires to the Los Angeles area at this time. This is currently a non-union shoot but production has stated that they will consider SAG ULB (ultra low budget) for potential cast in lead roles. Positions are paid, low budget. To submit go HERE and be sure to include in parenthesis the character you would like to audition for (same line as your first name).
JONATHAN STONE (40s), LEAD, CAUCASIAN, MALE. Jonathan Stone is a Paramedic and is coming to terms with his wife’s terminal illness. Jonathan Stone is struggling with the tragic news of Elizabeth Stone, his wife’s terminal illness. He try’s in vain to help and in doing so seems to create more problems. When she ultimately passes he must then pick up the pieces of the shattered life and try’s an find hope in the mess left behind.
YOUNGER JONATHAN STONE (20S), CO-LEAD, CAUCASIAN, MALE. Stone when he was in his early to mid 20s..still lost as to what to do in life as he floats around never really committing to much until he meets Elisabeth and even in this he struggles to keep her, until he has a life changing moment which sets him up to get his life together and study to become a paramedic. Casting note is the ‘younger’ version should be cast as if casting their son or daughter and cast after the older version is cast.*
ELIZABETH STONE, (30-40s), CAUCASIAN, SUPPORTING. Elizabeth Stone is a graphic designer who’s life has been turned upside down when we diagnosed with stage four terminal cancer. She continues to fight to the end with her husband Jonathan as in her final days she reconciles with her past and teachers him what is most important in life.
YOUNGER ELIZABETH (20), CAUCASIAN, SUPPORTING. Elizabeth Stone when she was in her early to mid 20s before she is married to Jonathan and just after. She has it a bit more together than Jonathan but is dealing with her own issues of shame and regret form past decisions…at first she wants to leave Jonathan but when he changes for the better and works on the relationship she decides to give him another chance.
RACHEL STONE, CAUCASIAN, (8-15), PRINCIPAL. She is the daughter of Elisabeth and Jonathan Stone whom they have never met as she died before she was born – her life has been growing up in ‘Heaven’…working as a sort of ‘tour’ guide. Even though she is young she is wiser than most adults and seems to have a understanding of everything…However she is also a bit mischievous and still plays and has fun as a kid.
PASTOR STEVE, (20s), ANY ETHNICITY, MALE, PRINCIPAL. The 20 year old Pastor Steve is a youth leader at a local church with dreams of one day running his own church..he’s still just as kind and caring now as he is later in life.
ANDREW STONE, (40s), CAUCASIAN, MALE, PRINCIPAL. 40s Handsome man, but doesn’t know it…down to earth type of guy. Andrew Stone is a missionary medical adviser, who spends his life on the YWAM ‘Mercy Ship ‘helping those in third world countries with humanitarian aid. He once was a hard living hard drinking stock broker but gave it all up when he founds a greater purpose in his life. He helps his brother Jonathan Stone as he morns the loss of his wife Elizabeth.
YOUNGER ANDREW STONE, (20s), CAUCASIAN, MALE, PRINCIPAL. The 20 year old Andrew Stone has just quit his crazy life and found peach and hope in a new calling..he has recently stopped drinking and looking to pursue a life of humanitarian aid work..in the mean time he is trying to help his brother see there is a better way to go in this life.
TIM (50+ homeless frail but transforms) All ethnicities male. Tim is frail think and homeless but incredibly optimistic Tim was once very successful but a house fire took the lives of his family and sent him into a spiral of addiction and soon the loss of everything..he found himself homeless and then eventually thru a shelter found a purpose in life that gave him hope in the hopelessness of life.
DR. HOWARD (30-50) All ethnicities female. Dr. Howard is a Oncologist. A caring but realistic doctor who gives our lead Elizabeth the tragic news of her cancer spreading.
PETER LOCK, 40s, ANY ETHNICITY, MALE, DAY PLAYER. Basically a used car salesman!
MAN WITH PINK HAIR, ANY ETHNICITY, 20-30s, MALE. DAY PLAYER. He may or may not have pink hair – but looks like he is having way too much fun in this life. His real name is STEVE ANDREWS and is a DJ who keeps overdosing as he drifts thru life until eventuality it all catches sup on him…
WOMAN (20-30), FEATURED, in car crash, hesterical)