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Community Groups Kickoff 3rd Week of September & New Animation Program

Suzy Sachs


CEG Kicksoff New Season Of Community Groups Starting the third week of September – Join now. If you are enrolled, links and locations are going out this week.

  1. Westlake Village – Entertainment Group bible study for all Christians in entertainment plus a project sharing group for talent and another group for writers

  2. North Hollywood – Entertainment Group bible study for all Christians in entertainment plus a project group for dancers and another group for musicians/singer

  3. East Coast –  Bible study and community gathering for all Chrhistians in entertainment

  4. Orange County –  Bible study and community gathering for all Chrsitians in entertainment

  5. Santa Fe, New Mexico –  Bible study and community gathering for all Christians in entertainment

  6. Anywhere / Virtually – Join A Virtual Group From Where You Are Through Zoom

Sponsor The Gift Of Music –  Help us share the joy of Jesus with special needs kids by sponsoring the gift of music.

Premieres:  Fatima (movie) and Zachary’s Rebel Hearts

  1. Comedic Writer

  2. Christian co-writer for companion book

CEG Teams Currently Meetings Include –

  1. CEG Outreach Team September rehearsals are happening on Tuesdays

  2. CEG Care Team & Community Group Leaders & Helpers meeting Saturday – September 13

  3. CEG Development Team

  4. CEG Praise Team

  5. CEG Volunteers as needed

  6. contact us to join in now

Hello CEG Family,Hello!

It is September(!) and that means we are back! CEG has been in planning sessions during the months of July and August as well as working on some fun projects.  Some of our great big faith family have been involved in some production projects we’ve been supporting, or writing episodes of our puppet show series or working on prep for community groups and more. We are excited to be jumping back into the swing of things in less than two weeks!… well as much as we can given the current COVID restrictions.

At this time, here is the plan for CEG Community Groups (writers, talent, entertainment professionals, dancers, singer, musicians+).

North Hollywoood/Glendale area will meet in person. However, this could change as restrictions are unpredicible. If they do then we will be back on Zoom until we can meet in person. Either way, safety precautions will be in place. If you are in that group you will receive details about it soon including the address. Other details are below.

Community groups located in Westlake Village, East Coast, Orange County, New Mexico, and everywhere else will begin online and meet in person as it makes sense. Join us through Zoom from where you are! More details below.

Big things are happening in our animation program… super excited to announce and kickoff in two weeks… with show runner and creator of The Fairly Odd Parents –  Butch Hartman and special guests inlcuding the Director of the new Scoobs!(Scooby Doo).  Together we we will be workign to bring to life animation projects in writing, storyboarding, creating show bibles, pitchign and more.

We are thankful to be a part of all that God is doing to draw our faith community together in bible studies, community, fellowship and projects. We can’t wait to see you again soon!!! Sign up below. Links to Zoom sessions or in person meetings locations are sent on confirmation of registration.

Blessings and love to you!   Suzy and the CEG family


If you are new to CEG or have questions about our ministry, projects we are involved in or what team or community group to get involved in then Tuesday Mornings With Suzy is a great place for you to be. Every Tuesday morning CEG Ministry Leader Suzy joins in a Zoom call to welcome you, get you connected behind the scenes, answer questions you might have and help to place you in the place that best fits you.  Interested? Sign up now. JOIN TUESDAYS WITH SUZY



CEG Community Groups are the heartbeat of our ministry providing an opportunity for fellowship, worshiping together, growing in our personal relationship with Jesus, coming together to support each other and sharing our talents in peer-to-peer mentorships with like minded Christians in entertainment. CEG groups are meeting in various locations across Los Angeles as well as virtually across the U.S.. We would love to come alongside you in your faith journey within the entertainment industry and also make sure you are plugged into a church near you. CEG kicks off its community groups the third week of September.  Some groups are meeting in person and others are starting through Zoom until COVID restrictions lift.  Sign Up to be a part of a community group or support one. 


North Hollywood CEG will kickoff with a focus on music, dance and all Christians in entertainment. Schedule includes jamming with the CEG Praise Team, Bible Study and then dance. Safety measures will be in place including mandatory face masks. If you are currently enrolled in a comunity group or you sign up now, you will receive location information or a link if the group is meeting virtually through Zoom.

ALL OTHER GROUPS ARE MEETING VIRTUALLY AT THIS TIME VIA ZOOM ON THE FIRST AND THIRD SATURDAYS OF THE MONTH STARTING AGAIN ON 19TH OF SEPTEMBER. (Talent, Writers, Christians in entertainment, Westlake Village, East Coast, New Mexico, Orange County and where you are!)

We are exctied to dive into bible study this season with you including Francis Chan’s study titled Forgotten God: Reversing Our Tragic Neglect of The Holy Spirit.

We encourage you to ORDER THE WORKBOOK to use during CEG Community Group. If you would like to participate but need help purchasing a workbook please contact us. Some workbooks will be available for purchase at the CEG Community Group meeting in person. If you are interested you might also consider the reading book as well for outside of our group gatherings.

CEG ANIMATION PROGRAM KICKS OFF IN SEPTEMBER WITH BUTCH HARTMAN, Creator Of Fairly Odd Parents and special guests – Spike Brandt – Director / Producer (Space Jam, Scooby Doo+), Tony Cervone – Director (Scoob, Tom and Jerry+) and more.

CEG’s animation program blasts off in just a few weeks! Sign up now to bring to life your own concept through writing, storyboarding, building a show bible and learning to pitch then pitching to a show runner and getting feedback. Butch Hartman, the creator of Fairly Odd Parents will check in through your process of developjent, teach storyboarding and then meet in person where you will be ready to pitch your concept and get feedback. Pus special guests and instructors guide and mentor you along the way! Special guests include Tony Cervone, Director of the new feature film Scoob! (Scooby Doo!), Tom and Jerry (+++) and Spike Brandt, Director of Space Jam, Scooby Doo and more!. Join us now! Space is limited.


CEG Institute‘s writing program is in session and participants are rocking through the development of their writing skills and the stories God has placed on their hearts. New session starting in two weeks. It is easy to get started. If you are a new writer simply sign up for Screenwriting 101. If you have a writing sample send it to us for placement. , CEG Institute is a a place to grow and develop the stories, talents and dreams God has entrusted you with. Register now for classes or development services to help you in the development of your scripts, stories and writing skills. For the new and not-so-new storytellers; take your craft to another level by learning from top writers, show-runners, and other industry professionals.Registration for the CEG writers track is open now. Call us at 818-697-0222 or send us an email note  if you have questions.


CEG family recent premiere’s:

FATIMA – CEG ministry leaders Hunington and Suzy we are the premiere of Fatima in August. Red carpet? Ugh, well, the step and repeat was in the car! COVID times bring great creativity and the plan for promoting distribution meant that faith leaders and influencers were invited to a car “drive and repeat.” Quick thinking led to a drive-in theater premiere. The film is now availalbe on demand or in many stores including Target. Watch the trailer now. The film is set in 1917  Portuguese town of Fátima,  and tells the story of three small children who were visited by an apparition of the Virgin Mary. She urged them to pray, to dedicate themselves to the rosary, and in so doing they could bring about an end to the war then ravaging Europe. The children, Lúcia dos Santos and her cousins Francisco and Jacinta Marto, told their parents in descriptions vivid and specific: the vision was “brighter than the sun,” a dazzling figure shedding “rays of light”. As word got around, pilgrims flocked to Fátima. The two younger children died in the flu epidemic of 1918, but Lucia lived to the age of 97, dying in 2005. She became a nun and published multiple memoirs, the main one being Memórias da Irmã Lúcia. Marco Pontecorvo’s “Fátima” tells the story of these children and the upheaval in their lives—and their family’s lives—due to the children’s refusal to retract their story, even when put under enormous pressure from civil and religious authorities. Faitma brings a message of hope and perseverance even when the world seems to be againsty you.

ZACHARY DANIEL REY – REBEL HEARTS  Zachary led worship with CEG during our last CEG Live! event with Andrew Erwin. His newest song releases Friday, September 4. Check it out.  Zachary says, “as vital as it is for us to enlist and fight for truth, it is even more important to remember why we are fighting—not merely for the thrill of vanquishing some foe or winning some argument, but out of a genuine love, for people to find hope, to live in truth and breath it. This is what is worth fighting for.”


The Christian Entertainment Guild’s Outreach Team is serving and sharing who Jesus is through the arts. Together we are brinigng intereactive puppet shows and music to kids with special needs.  Together we will be teaching drumming and percussion and singing our hearts out for Jesus. We need your help to make it possible for us to have instruments for this ministry and outreach. Will you sponsor the gift of music? Our goal?  27 Bongos!!! HERE IS A LINK TO MORE INFO. OR MAKE A DONATION NOW:

1.  Make a donation to the Christian Entertainment Guild specifically for the outreach team and purchase of instruments.

2.  Or purchase an instrument here and have it shipped directly to Christian Entertainment Guild, at 1014 S. Westlake Blvd., Suite 14-232, Westlake Village, CA 91361.

3.  Or send a donation in the mail to Christian Entertainment Guild, 1014 S. Westlake Blvd., Suite 14-232, Westlake Village, CA 91361.

Have questions? Feel free to contact us here.

Our faith family team including professional musicians within our community volunteer their time to teach music. Together we bring music to the youth through drumming on rain barrels, bongos, shakers, singing and more. We need your help in providing percussion instruments to be used in creating and teaching music through our outreach program. Will you Sponsor The Gift Of Music by purchasing an instrument to be used in this outreach program? Your tax-deductible donation will connect a child to music and the joy we have in singing, creating music and worshiping together. What a joy it is to share the gifts God has given us to honor him including the gift of music. We are in this together! Our goal is to have 27 bongos and possibly other instruments as we serve between 75 and 300 kids at a time in groups of 25 plus leaderes. DONATE NOW.


On behalf of our great big faith family, the Christian Entertainment Guild wants to say a huge “thank you to the many entertainment companies, producers, directors, production coordinators, managers and more who continue to reach out to us for referrals and to provide opportunities within our community. Many of those opportunities are not posted publicly. Thank you. Thank you. There are people within our community who have been able to stay and pursue their dreams within entertainment as a ministry because of the opportunities you have given them.”  Have a project you are currently working on? We have veterans in the industry who can pre-screen submissions for any crew, cast, production or other entertainment positions for you. We’ve been out across the states builing crews and teams this last year and are here to help. Contact us for more info.


Faith based entertainment company seeks co-writer for bible study companion book.  Schedule is flexible. PLEASE SUBMIT WRITING SAMPLE HERE.


Faith leader production company seeks comedic writer to consult and participate in the writing of a full length feature script.  Looking for light, fun script writer who understand the secular audience and market but is also a strong person of faith.

This is a paid position as a work for hire writer. Non-union. Pay is to be negotiated based on credits. Starts September 10th.  Please confirm availability. To be considered, please submit a writing sample, log line, synopsis, and completed script. In your submission be sure to note – “romantic comedy screenwriter.” SUBMIT HERE.


One of the best ways to get connected within CEG is through serving. Many people say serving is where relationships are built and where we see the Holy Spirit at work in and among us. If you have a servant heart and are interested in possibly co-leading a CEG community group with other Christians in entertainment we would love to hear from you.  Helpers are also an important part of bringing our community groups to life. If you want to serve, help or support our community groups or learn more about how it might work, join us. As community group leaders we meet together to talk through leading, preparing and what makes a great leader. When you lead, it is really about serving… having a servant heart. Join our next CEG Care Team & Community Group Leaders and Helpers meeting via Zoom  Saturday, September 12th at 3:00 PM Pacific time.  JOIN US.


Interested in serving behind the scenes of CEG? The more we come together, the more God can do among us.  Banding together, keeping our eyes on God and sharing the gifts and talents God has given us allows God to work supernaturally through us to do things we could never do on our own.  Together, we are supporting the development of projects that portray the true nature of who Christ is.Together we are serving through the arts with special needs, foster and sick (cancer) kids as well as mentoring older foster teenagers and young adults interested in the arts.  In addition we have ongoing ministry projects including a docu-feature in post production that is on the life and ministry of Henrietta Mears where you can help to support its completion.  You can also serve on different teams including Development (new projects),  Praise (worship through music), Hospitality (welcoming all, creating fun ways to connect), Production (supporting CEG vetted projects) and serving as needed (a little bit of time or a lot). There are many opportunities to get involved in a way that is unique to your strengths. If you are veteran who can mentor, awesome, we have a place for you. If you are recent film school grad, great! If you’ve been in the industry for quite a few years cool. We need you. We need each other, fellowship, community and God. Contact us for more information on how you can get involved or Join us now! Or CONTACT US. with questions.

  1. CEG Outreach Team

  2. Prayer Team

  3. Care Team

  4. Production Team

  5. Hospitality Team

  6. Serve wherever needed


At CEG, we believe in being generous with our treasure, time, spiritual gifts and talents. Donating, giving is not just about giving financially. It is about sharing the resources, gifts, and talents God has given us for the purpose of honoring Him. When you choose to give and serve, you choose to support a greater cause. The Bible says, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”. It is amazing to see all that God is doing in and through us as we serve and come together as a great big faith family community of Christians in entertainment.  Your donation to CEG will help us to continue serving through community groups, the arts in outreach programs to differently-abled, sick and foster kids and our large group worship events. When you give, you are supporting the ministry God has called us to as Christians in entertainment. Give now or contact us if you’d like to have a conversation about supporting the CEG ministry.

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