All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away. For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me. (John 6:37-38)
Jesus was and is the greatest example of Servant Leadership. Jesus came to serve. He didn’t come to do his own thing. He came to work with God, to serve Him. He sought God’s will for his life every day, not the world’s. This too is important for us to do as a servant leader. Wherever we are God can use us. Even if we don’t see ourselves as leaders, we represent who Christ is. We are his Servant Leader. What would happen if you led the conversation, the slander that is going on at the set you are on, in your office or wherever you are… what would happen if you LED it away from slander? You are God’s Servant Leader. You represent who Christ is in the world… he works through you as a Christian in entertainment. Are you a an example of Servant Leadership? Even if you haven’t been in the past, you can be starting today starting with seeking God’s will every day, knowing who He is, reading His word, praying and getting into fellowship.